Website Links and Home Learning
Useful websites to use at home - For covering the curriculum
BBC bitesize Information, videos and activities for all areas of the curriculum
Top Marks Online games and activities linked to all areas of the curriculum
ICT games Online games supporting Maths and English
Crickweb Games to support most areas of the curriculum
Twinkl An educational resource website for all areas of the curriculum
imoves- The imovement Suggestions to support children's mental well-being
Barefoot Computing Barefoot Computing provides practical activities and interactive games to support the computer science aspects of the Computing curriculum.
English links:
Phonics Play Phonics based games for all phases. We have revised Phase 3 and 4 and are most of the way through Phase 5
Phonics Bloom Similar to Phonics Play with online games to support all phases. We have revised Phases 3 and 4 and are most of the way through Phase 5
Oxford Owl free e-books to read
Pobble 365 Daily pictures to inspire discussion and writing. There are also related spelling, punctuation and grammar activities.
David Walliams audio books A daily audio book to listen to by David Walliams
Maths links
White Rose Maths We use White Rose as our maths scheme in school. They are uploading weekly activities and supporting videos for home learning.
Times Tables Rockstars Times tables website or app to practise times tables. Children's usernames and passwords are in the front of their reading diaries. Please focus on 10, 2 and 5 times tables
NumBots Sister platform to Times Tables Rockstars and supports addition and subtraction. Log ins and passwords are the same
Physical activity links:
PE with Joe Wicks A daily workout with Joe Wicks at 9am
Premier League Primary Stars Activities and suggestions for keeping active at home.