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St Pancras Catholic Primary

St Pancras
Catholic Primary School

Website Links and Home Learning



Useful websites to use at home - For covering the curriculum 

  • BBC bitesize Information, videos and activities for all areas of the curriculum

  • Top Marks Online games and activities linked to all areas of the curriculum

  • ICT games Online games supporting Maths and English

  • Crickweb Games to support most areas of the curriculum

  • Twinkl An educational resource website for all areas of the curriculum

  • Barefoot Computing Barefoot Computing provides practical activities and interactive games to support the computer science aspects of the Computing curriculum.


English links: 

  • Phonics Play Phonics based games for all phases. We have revised Phase 3 and 4 and are most of the way through Phase 5

  • Phonics Bloom Similar to Phonics Play with online games to support all phases. We have revised Phases 3 and 4 and are most of the way through Phase 5

  • Pobble 365 Daily pictures to inspire discussion and writing. There are also related spelling, punctuation and grammar activities.


Maths links 

  • White Rose Maths We use White Rose as our maths scheme in school. They are uploading weekly activities and supporting videos for home learning.

  • Times Tables Rockstars Times tables website or app to practise times tables. Children's usernames and passwords are in the front of their reading diaries. Please focus on 10, 2 and 5 times tables

  • NumBots Sister platform to Times Tables Rockstars and supports addition and subtraction. Log ins and passwords are the same

Physical activity links: