St Pancras Catholic Primary School is part of the Our Lady of Walsingham Multi Academy Trust. 
The school’s Mission Statement:
In St Pancras, we are loving and kind,
we pray and we play,
we learn and explore
through our Faith everyday.
A visibly Catholic school with Christ at its heart
A school in which pupils lead the work of mission
A school which sets no ceiling on expectations of pupil achievement
A school which offers excellence across the curriculum
A school in which teaching constantly strives to be better
A school in which all parents actively promote the value of scholarship
A school in which pupils demonstrate calm and positive behaviour
A school in which pupils present themselves – and their work – with pride
A school which is attractive and well-resourced, suitable for purpose
A safe school, with safe access from local roads
These are the school’s aims:
- To be a school that reflects God’s love for us all
- To be a school that follows the teachings of the Catholic Church, with the mass at the heart of its life and work
- To be a school that works as closely as possible with home and parish in providing for its children’s development
- To be a happy school, which all its people enjoy coming to
- To be a safe, secure, attractive and healthy school in which the ‘whole child’ is educated in respect of rights and responsibilities
- To be a school in which all staff are effective, fulfilled and able to achieve a healthy work-life balance alongside a personal commitment to school improvement
- To be a school with a rich, relevant and creative curriculum which reflects local needs and enables all children to make a positive contribution
- To be a school which ensures that every child acquires basic skills in literacy and numeracy and all children achieve in accordance with their potential
- To be a school which constantly achieves high levels of value added academic progress
- To be a community school, welcoming full use of its resources
- To be a school which expects to achieve these aims