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St Pancras Catholic Primary

St Pancras
Catholic Primary School

Ocean Class (Y5)

The Ocean Class team

Class Teachers: Mrs E Jones (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)  Mrs E Smith (Monday, Thursday and Friday)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs M Tella

The school day

Please ensure that your child is well-prepared for school, with their home-school diary, reading book and water bottle. Please ensure a prompt arrival, as children begin working the moment that they enter the classroom.

If you have any questions, concerns or queries, please contact me via your child's home-school diary in the first instance and then via the school office.


PE days are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Please ensure your child comes to school on each of these days dressed in their PE kit. As we will be doing PE outside on a Friday, tracksuit bottoms and trainers are recommended. Please ensure earrings are removed/ taped before school on these days.

Home learning

In Year 5, children are expected to read a high-quality text daily. They shall be given this opportunity in school, but this should also be happening at home.

TTRockstars is beneficial in supporting with multiplication tables knowledge. Please ensure that your child logs on for at least 30 minutes per week. This is easily achieved by playing 4-5 short games a day.

Spelling, Grammar and/or Maths learning will also be set via Purple Mash every week. Homework will be set on a Friday and expected to be returned by Friday the following week. 


Please find our Year 5 curriculum below. Please encourage your children to talk about their learning in all subjects and feel free to supplement their knowledge and curiosity at home.