At St Pancras, we want our children to be fluent in the fundamental building blocks of Mathematics. Through the use of Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract concepts, children will be able to apply a range of skills to solve a variety of problems. Recognising and seeing Mathematics in the wider world and its importance in our daily lives will foster an intrigue in Mathematics around them. Through fantastic grasp of mathematical vocabulary, combined with a plethora of reasoning skills, they will be able to reason confidently and clearly, by providing rational and justification for their judgements. Verbalising their reasoning processes and explaining concepts will result in confident learners who are able to explain the rationale behind the solution to problems.
Through a problem-solving culture, instilled from the very beginning, based on perseverance and the knowledge that they can make mistakes, children will learn to conjecture, form relationships, justify, prove and solve complex problems.
- Using a CPA approach, through the delivery of the White Rose small steps scheme of learning, skills will be consolidated and progressed year-on-year. By focusing on key concepts and providing fluency practice, combined with problem-solving opportunities, children will build understanding and apply this across a range of mathematical concepts.
- Discrete arithmetic lessons allow the children to apply a range of written methods, gaining confidence with number facts and routines.
- TTRockstars, our online Times Tables platform gives children the opportunity to confidentially progress with these facts, in engaging and structured online games.
- Vocabulary to support learning is taught explicitly to children, to aid understanding and allow them to explain the concepts behind problems, coherently and articulately.
Impact will be evident and measurable across the school in a variety of ways.
How do our pupils talk about Maths? A positive mindset is vital and dispelling the myth that ‘some people can’t do maths’ is integral in our vision at St Pancras.
What would you see in lessons? Across the school, engagement, enthusiasm and perseverance would be evident. Confident mathematical discussions with coherent definitions and explanations will be embedded in all lessons, from both staff and pupils.
How confident are our learners? Developing the confidence to articulate explanations and provide justifications is an integral part of our process. You would see children keen to explain and provide rationals for problems, with the awareness that multiple methods can be used to arrive at a logical conclusion.
How well do children attain? Progress and attainment is measured through PiXL assessments at regular intervals throughout the year. Gaps are identified on an individual and cohort level and teachers will adapt planning and delivery to address this. Impact of curriculum delivery is constantly and consistently measured through assessment for learning, in addition to summative assessment and the White Rose scheme of learning will be tailored for each individual cohort by the class teacher in liaison with the Mathematics lead.
Breadth of Study:
Key Stage 1 |
Key Stage 2 |
• Count and calculate in a range of practical contexts. • Use and apply mathematics in everyday activities and across the curriculum. • Repeat key concepts in many different practical ways to secure retention. • Explore numbers and place value up to at least 100. • Add and subtract using mental and formal written methods in practical contexts. • Multiply and divide using mental and formal written methods in practical contexts. • Explore the properties of shapes. • Use language to describe position, direction and movement. • Use and apply in practical contexts a range of measures, including time. • Handle data in practical contexts. |
• Count and calculate in increasingly complex contexts, including those that cannot be experienced first hand. • Rigorously apply mathematical knowledge across the curriculum, in particular in science, technology and computing. • Deepen conceptual understanding of mathematics by frequent repetition and extension of key concepts in a range of engaging and purposeful contexts. • Explore numbers and place value so as to read and understand the value of all numbers. • Add and subtract using efficient mental and formal written methods. • Multiply and divide using efficient mental and formal written methods. • Use the properties of shapes and angles in increasingly complex and practical contexts, including in construction and engineering contexts. • Describe position, direction and movement in increasingly precise ways. • Use and apply measures to increasingly complex contexts. • Gather, organise and interrogate data. • Understand the practical value of using algebra. |
Maths curriculum overview - see below
For more detailed planning see