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St Pancras Catholic Primary

St Pancras
Catholic Primary School

Flora Class (Y3)

 The Flora Class team

Class Teacher: Mr Grimwood

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Harvey and Mrs Nwafor


PE is currently on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school on each of these days dressed in their PE kit/swimming kit under their clothes. As we will be doing PE outside, tracksuit bottoms and trainers are recommended, especially for the cold weather months. Please ensure earrings are removed/ taped before school on these days and long hair tied back.



Please ensure your child has a name labelled water bottle in school every day for break and lunch times. An additional drink such as squash can be brought in for lunchtime only in their lunchbox.

Your child is welcome to bring their own healthy snack, such as a banana or grapes, for morning break.


This half-term we will be learning about:

English - We will be following the CUSP programme which involves poetry based on an emotion, first-person narratives and non-chronological reports. 

Reading - We will be studying 'Greta and the giants', 'Pebble in my pocket' and 'Leon and the place between'. 

Spelling - Children will be learning their Year 3/4 statutory spellings. We will have a spelling test every Monday. We will follow the year 3 CUSP programme to help children learn and understand these words.


Maths - White Rose Maths scheme: Place value which will focus on numbers up to 1,000, partitioning, number lines, comparing and ordering numbers. We will then start to look at Addition and Subtraction using the column method.


Times Tables – We are currently recapping their 10, 5 and 2 Times Tables. This half term we will start to learn our 3 and 4 Times Tables. We complete our TT Rockstars tests regularly in class to help the children practise for their test in year 4.


Science - The human body which looks at the human skeleton as well as healthy eating.


RSE/ PSHE – Health and wellbeing. This will link with our healthy eating lessons in Science. Looking at which foods are healthy and how to keep our body fit and strong.


History – Stone Age: focusing on how history changed from the Palaeolithic Age all the way through to the Iron Age.

Geography – Spatial sense: Children will be learning why we use compasses, how to use maps and how to use six figure grid references. 


Computing – We are focusing on touch typing this half-term. Children will be learning the correct fingers to use when typing on a laptop.


Music - Charanga scheme: We are learning the song ‘Let your spirit fly’. We will learn the song piece by piece before learning how to play the tune on the glockenspiel.


PE – On Monday’s the children will be focusing on ball skills, such as throwing and catching. On Thursday’s the children will be swimming.


RE - The Way, the Truth and the Life 3.1:  The Christian family. We will then take a look at Judaism.


Art – Prehistoric art: Linking to our history topic, we are going to focus on cave drawings/paintings.


French – Unit 1: French greetings
