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St Pancras Catholic Primary

St Pancras
Catholic Primary School



Our computing curriculum seeks to provide pupils with the opportunities to explore the vast and ever-changing possibilities of technology, preparing them to confidently exist, engage and interact with the digital world they are growing up in. We aim to develop computational thinking and key computer skills in order to find, explore, analyse, program, present and communicate information competently, creatively and responsibly, alongside the emotional intelligence and awareness required to express themselves safely online and in a digital environment. The use of computational language is vital in order to immerse pupils in a vocabulary-rich environment, ensuring they are fully prepared to actively engage in the digital world around them.

Computing is taught as a discrete subject weekly to ensure basic computer skills are secure and can subsequently be used to support and enhance learning across the curriculum.



Our Computing curriculum is implemented using Purple Mash, an online learning platform, providing secure online resources to support the Computing breadth of study. Key themes, vocabulary, knowledge and skills are revisited from Years 1-6, building in opportunities to deepen knowledge and understanding across each of the Computing strands (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy). The Computing long term plan details when specific units are undertaken, with the order adapted yearly to link to other curriculum subjects supporting purposeful learning and to meet the needs of pupils.

Even though the long term plan indicates which key strand the unit is focused upon (for example Computer Science is mainly covered through Coding units), features of all the computing curriculum strands are reinforced and developed within each unit. For example, children are taught the key skills of logging in, saving work, opening files, as well as using a keyboard within every unit, as well as features of each computing strand incorporated across the curriculum. 

The Computer Science strand is taught in every year group, supporting the development of the children as computational thinkers, focusing on the key skills of tinkering, creating, debugging, persevering and collaborating. Unplugged activities are also incorporated particularly within Early Years and KS1, supporting children’s understanding of algorithms and programming.

Digital literacy is taught in every year group through online safety units but also integrated throughout all units where children share work, collaborate and discuss features of online safety. Digital literacy is a core part of units such as searching, blogging and email but the connection is supported for children whenever the opportunity arises in all units. Digital literacy is also linked to our PSHE and RSE curriculums.



The children at St Pancras make good progress from their starting points, using both tablets and laptops competently and confidently. Through pupil voice discussions, the children express their enjoyment of Computing lessons and the Purple Mash resources, particularly as they can develop and extend their skills at home. Children are also eager to use their computing skills across other curriculum areas, such as researching subjects using QR codes and typing stories in English, as well as within pupil focus groups, such as creating assembly presentations for other year groups.

Within every unit of work, staff are able to build upon previous work through pre-unit concept maps and address knowledge gaps through end of unit concept maps and quizzes. Purple Mash allows for judgements to be made on individual pieces of work, collating data to support end of unit assessments. These are recorded on year group computing assessment trackers, providing detailed information regarding progress and the impact of teaching. The subject leader accesses online work regularly from every class, with all children’s work stored securely within the Purple Mash online folders.

Staff at St Pancras are continually developing their computing skills and knowledge base, with CPD provided through a personalised annual Purple Mash CPD session and specific support from the subject leader. We have good links to our feeder secondary school, allowing us to support pupils as they move forward in their education.

Computing curriculum overview 2024-2025 and Progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary

The Computing curriculum long term plan can be below.

The Computing progression of the skills, knowledge and vocabulary across the three computing strands, as well as the Purple Mash unit links can also be accessed below.

Please find below parent guides to support the use of Purple Mash at home.